Geogeeks is a Perth meetup group having fun with open geospatial, open source GIS, and OpenStreetMap.
We're running a series of meetups and events to bring the Perth community together, and shine a light on what's happening in open geospatial. Think QGIS, PostGIS, OpenStreetMap, geospatial Python, and much more.
Upcoming events include guest speakers, mapathons, and technical workshops. Everyone welcome!
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Wednesday, 02 April 2025 at 5:30PM (to 8:00PM)
Riff (Spacecubed), 45 St Georges Tce, Perth [map]
Once again, it’s time for Geogeeks!
Please join us for an evening of short talks from local geospatial practitioners. We’ve got a great line up of talks, covering OSM imports, urban analysis with QGIS and deep learning, and enterprise-grade Python processing.
All are welcome!
After the talks we’ll hang around to chat over pizza and drinks. The event is free and everyone is welcome, but please register so we can cater well!
Got an interesting geo-related technique, trick, or story about open geospatial you want to share? Email so we can organise a talk!
Saturday, 05 April 2025 at 10:00AM (to 1:00PM)
Flames Restaurant, 55 Central Road, Rossmoyne [map]
The City of Canning has opened up their footpath’s dataset; to import the data we want to verify their tagging and suitability for Open Street Map. Join us for a free coffee sponsored by OSGeo Oceania and explore Rossmoyne.
Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary (or registration). We’ll start the day at Flames Restaurant, then survey the streets or the nearby foreshore (in groups or all together), before ending up back at the Flames Restaurant for lunch.
Add and update Points of Interest (POIs) on your phone, draw on your phone or a printed map. We’ve got all the materials, come down and learn about OSM (OpenStreetMap).
We’ll do a coffee/snack run, sponsored by OSGeo Oceania!
RSVP on, message Ben with any questions, and join the Geogeeks Slack to keep in touch.